Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homemade Fire Starters

My brother-in-law Tyson learned how to do these years ago in scouts. In my search to be ever prepared in the event of an emergency, or simply for the convenience of starting a fire to warm the mother-in-law invited me to join her in creating these.

We tested one when we were all done, and it burned for a good 20 min or more on it's own. You could potentially cut these in half and they would give plenty of flame to get a good fire going.

What you need to Create Your Own:
Paper egg carton, dryer lint, candle (for wax), deep pan, large soup or food storage can, deep pot, tongs for dipping in wax

Create a "Double Broiler" by placing your can inside of a pot. Break apart your candle and put in the can to melt your wax.

Collect dryer lint in an old egg carton over time and then pour melted wax over the lint while carton is still in tact. Once cooled, cut apart the individual slots and then dip in the hot wax mixture one at a time. Set on a paper bag to dry and there you have it!

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