Monday, August 3, 2009

Tacoma Narrows Half Marathon

Saturday, August 1st - We ran our first 1/2 marathon! Aubrie trained for several months with some good friends that kept her motivated and inspired to keep going. The training definately paid off, because the race that at one time had seemed so intimidating was easy to run and she enjoyed every step of the way (She is already trying to decide when/where her next one will be and train for speed this time.) Pictured at the finish line are Aubrie with friends (Emily and Juliette) who I trained and completed the race with her.
Landon and Juliette's husband Toby (pictured at the starting line) also ran with us. Unfortunately, Landon who has been very busy with work and church did not train for the race like he should have and ended up walking at 11 miles and with very sore knees. He did cross the finish line and admitted that he could only push through the pain for so long before he could not physically do it (run) anymore. We are so happy to have accomplished this and it was so exciting to cross the Finish Line!